Chadron DUI Lawyer

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Chadron DUI Lawyer

Chadron DUI Attorney

Being convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol can result in serious consequences, including fines, a criminal record, and even jail time. Therefore, it is important to hire an attorney who can help you achieve a favorable outcome. If you have received DUI charges in Nebraska, consider hiring a Chadron DUI lawyer.

At Island Law Office, PC, LLO, we’ve achieved success in many previous DUI cases. Whether you’ve been charged with a felony or misdemeanor DUI, we can assist you. We know how to build a strong defense.

Understanding DUI Charges

You may be arrested for driving under the influence if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is at 0.08% or more. In the event that your BAC is 0.15% or more, you will likely be charged with an aggravated DUI. If you are under the age of 21 and your BAC is at 0.02%, you may also be charged with a DUI. Additionally, you may lose your license under the Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Law. Those who qualify may receive a temporary license for 15 days.

You could also choose to forgo your ALR hearing and apply for an Ignition Interlock Permit (IIP). Once your application has been approved, you will have an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) installed in your car. This small device requires you to breathe into it before the car will start. Its purpose is to prevent the car from starting if there is any alcohol in your system.

Know Your Rights When Pulled Over for Driving Under the Influence

You can be pulled over if you are suspected of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you are pulled over, an officer will ask you particular questions and perform tests to see if their suspicion is correct. In this case, it is important that you understand your rights. For instance, you have the right to stay silent.

However, Nebraska’s implied consent law means that you consent to chemical tests by driving in the state. Refusing a test could result in penalties, which a law enforcement officer should inform you of. The breath test could be inaccurate, so a high reading should not equal a conviction.

If you have been charged with a DUI, you will be required to come to court, potentially many times. Your first time in court will involve being read any charges against you. You will then have the choice of how to proceed. One option may be a plea agreement, in which you accept guilt in exchange for lesser charges or penalties. This would result in your case being closed and the penalties being served. However, you also have the option to request a trial and contest the charges.

How Hiring a DUI Lawyer Can Help You

Hiring a DUI lawyer can be incredibly beneficial, as they may be able to help you receive a lighter sentence, even if your case does not end in an acquittal or dismissal of charges. Keep in mind that even if it is your first offense, you may be facing jail time.

Your lawyer can help guide you as your case develops, creating a strong defense. They can also protect you from saying anything that can hinder your case. It’s important to invoke your right to remain silent, as law enforcement could use your words against you. Speak to your lawyer before speaking to the police.

Your attorney will know how to utilize defense strategies specific to your circumstances. They can determine whether your constitutional rights were violated during the stop, arrest, and evidence gathering. They can also work to identify inaccurate tests or other factors that could have impacted the results, like certain medical conditions.

A DUI lawyer can also help you stay ahead of the relevant deadlines. In addition, they can gather the necessary evidence to help your case and negotiate on your behalf with the prosecutor.


What Is the DUI Limit in Nebraska?

The DUI limit in Chadron, NE is a blood alcohol concentration level of at least 0.08%. If the driver’s blood alcohol concentration level is at 0.15% or higher, additional charges may be given. Everyone is impacted differently by alcohol, so two people who both have three drinks may have different BAC levels.

Is a DUI a Felony in Nebraska?

A DUI could be a felony in Nebraska, but it is often a misdemeanor. First and second offenses are normally misdemeanors, but they could be felonies if certain aggravating factors are present. Felony DUIs can result in much more serious penalties, so it is particularly important to hire an experienced lawyer if you’ve had multiple previous convictions.

How Do You Get a DUI Dismissed in Nebraska?

There are several ways to get your DUI dismissed in Nebraska. One way could be if there was a lack of reasonable suspicion. This means that there was no valid reason for an officer to pull you over. Another instance could be if the field sobriety test was improperly administered. If there is evidence to support this assertion, your case may be dismissed.

What Is the Look-Back Period for a DUI in Nebraska?

The look-back period for a DUI in Nebraska is 15 years. A look-back period, or look-back window, is the timeframe in which prior DUI convictions may be considered by the court. The number of DUIs a person has had helps in determining the charges and sentencing for a new DUI offense. In many cases, the more DUIs a person has had previously, the more severe penalties they will receive.

Consult With a Chadron DUI Lawyer From Island Law Office, PC, LLO

After being charged with driving under the influence, you could face serious consequences, such as fines or even jail time. Instead of attempting to handle DUI charges on your own, consider hiring an attorney to represent you and achieve a positive outcome. A Chadron DUI attorney can protect your rights throughout the legal process. Contact Island Law Office, PC, LLO, to discover your legal options.
